Recruitment and deployment is a key element in our services. It is our absolute conviction that getting - and keeping - "the right people in the right place" creates the difference. This applies equally to both the perspective of the organization as well as the employee. That is why we spend a lot of care to an accurate organizational, project and job profile and why we take great care in the profile and ambition of the future employee. With this, we provide a solid basis for success of the employee and the quality of our services in the assignments we execute.

InnSense works with recruitment consultants who know your line of business and its positions. We look beyond the CV, know and review motivation of a candidate in relation to other factors such as knowledge, experience, competencies and skills. We analyse what candidates are offering to our customers and - from the perspective of the candidate - the extent to which the assignment reflects what the candidate is really looking for. Therefore with each assignment we perform an assessment based on personality and core values/drivers.